Ant Colony Optimization: An Alternative Heuristic for Aerospace Design Applications by Zachary John Kiyak A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial ful llment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama May 04, 2014 Keywords: optimization, solid rocket motor, missile design, ant colony algorithm Copyright 2014 by Zachary John Kiyak Approved by Roy Hart eld, Chair, Walt and Virginia Waltosz Professor of Aerospace Engineering Brian Thurow, Professor of Aerospace Engineering Andrew Shelton, Professor of Aerospace Engineering Abstract A modi ed ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is applied to a set of solid-rocket- motor and single-stage solid missile design problems. A local search procedure is also in- tegrated with the algorithm, adding a search intensi cation ability that compliments the ability of ACO to thoroughly explore a solution space. The goal of this work is to evaluate the e ectiveness of the ant colony optimization scheme by comparing its solution output quality with those of other, well-known optimization methods. Performance is based on solution \ tness", or how closely each solution matches a speci c set of performance objec- tives, as well as the number of calls to the objective function that are required in order to reach that solution. Additionally, an important performance criterion is to determine the algorithm0s capabilities of nding, not only a single quality solution to a design problem, but also a diverse set of additional, near-optimal solutions. ii Acknowledgments Special thanks to Dr. John Burkhalter for his help with the FORTRAN coding, Dr. Roy Hart eld for his direction, and Timothy Ledlow for his help in interpreting the missile trajectory program. Also, I would like to thank my parents for their support and nancial understanding over the years. iii Table of Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Overview of Ant Colony Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 Natural Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2 Arti cial Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Modi cations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Overview of Competing Algorithms and Complimentary Local Search Methods . 12 3.1 Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2 Direct Local Search Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.2.1 Pattern Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.2.2 Nelder-Mead Simplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4 Star-Grain Solid Rocket Motor Design Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.1 Solid Rocket Motor System Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.2 Optimization Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.3 SRM Curve Matching Problems and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5 Solid Motor Sounding Rocket Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.1 Sounding Rocket System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.2 Sounding Rocket Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6 Description of 6DOF Missile System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 iv 7 Single Stage Solid Missile System Optimizer Comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.1 Match Range - 250,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.2 Match Range - 750,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 7.3 Match a Single Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 7.4 Match Three Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 8 Local Search Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 9 Summary and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Appendix A: Solid Rocket Design Limits and Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Appendix B: Sounding Rocket Optimizer Input File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Appendix C: Sounding Rocket Constants and Goals Input File . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Appendix D: Single-Stage Rocket Input File for Range Matching Problems . . . . . . 67 Appendix E: Design Constraints for Trajectory Matching Problems . . . . . . . . . . 68 Modi ed ACO Algorithm Source Code Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 v List of Figures 2.1 Double Bridge Experiment [18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Probability Density Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 Gaussian Kernel Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.4 Simple 1-D Illustration of Single Ant Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.5 ACO-R Algorithm Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.6 E ects of parameter \q" on PDF selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.7 E ects of parameter \qmod" on PDF selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1 Hooke and Jeeves Pattern Search [37] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2 2-D Simplex Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.1 Star Grain Cross Sectional Geometry [40] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2 Optimized SRM Grain Geometry - Random Burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.3 Chamber Pressure vs Time Curve - Random Burn Pro le . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.4 Chamber Pressure vs Time Match - Neutral Burn Pro le . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.5 Optimized SRM Grain Geometry - Neutral Burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.6 Thrust vs Time Curve - Regressive-Progressive Burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 vi 4.7 Optimized SRM Grain Geometry - Regressive Progressive . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.1 Best Sounding Rocket Solutions Found by Optimizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.2 Optimizer Convergence History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.3 Example Alternate Sounding Rocket Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.1 Single Stage Solid Missile System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7.1 Convergence History - Match 250,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 7.2 Example Alternate Sounding Rocket Solutions - 250,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7.3 Convergence History - Match 750,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 7.4 Example Alternate Sounding Rocket Solutions - 750,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 7.5 Single Trajectory Convergence History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 7.6 3-D Optimized Missile Design - 164 km trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 7.7 Optimized Missiles - 164km Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7.8 Optimized Trajectory Match - 164 km . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 7.9 Three-Trajectory Convergence History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.10 Optimized Missiles - Three Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.11 3-D Optimized Missile Design - Three Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 7.12 Optimized Three-Trajectory Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 vii List of Tables 4.1 SRM Optimization Design Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2 Local Search Performance Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3 Summary of Results and Optimized SRM Geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.1 Sounding Rocket Design Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.2 Sounding Rocket Optimization Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 5.3 Sounding Rocket Multiple Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.1 List of Single Stage Solid Missile Design Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 6.2 Classi cation of Initial Missile Design Code Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 7.1 Results for Range Matching Problem - 250,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 7.2 Results for Range Matching Problem - 750,000 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 7.3 Single Trajectory Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 7.4 Multiple Alternate Solutions - 164 km Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 7.5 Three Trajectory Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.6 Multiple Alternate Solutions - Three Trajectory Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 8.1 Local Search Improvements - 164km Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 8.2 Local Search Improvements - 117km Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8.3 Local Search Improvements - 221km Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8.4 Local Search Improvements - Three Trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 1 Variable Ranges Used for SRM Curve Matching Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2 Algorithm Parameters Used for SRM Curve Matching Problems . . . . . . . . . 64 viii Nomenclature Pheromone Evaporation Rate ACO Ant Colony Optimization GA Genetic Algorithm gl Propellant Grain Length j Solution Archive Index k Solution Archive Size kfuel Propellant Fuel Type NSP Number of Star Points PDF Probability Density Function PSO Particle Swarm Optimization ptang Star Point Angle q Pheromone Weight Distribution Parameter qmod ACO Elitism Parameter ratio Nozzle Expansion Ratio rbi Outer Grain Radius ri Propellant Inner Grain Radius RMSE Root Mean Square Error ix rp Propellant Outer Grain Radius RPSO Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimization SRM Solid Rocket Motor TBO Time until Burnout TOF Time of Flight x Chapter 1 Introduction As computational technology has continued to advance, the integration of optimization methods with modeling and simulation has become an increasingly valuable tool for engi- neering design purposes. This union has been particularly useful in situations where it is especially di cult or impossible to develop an analytic solution to a given problem. Numerous successful optimization strategies have recently been developed and re ned for this purpose. Amongst the most popular of these strategies are Genetic Algorithms (GAs), based on the theory of evolution, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is inspired by the principles of natural ocking behavior and social communication. GAs in particular have been used extensively for aerospace design problems. Some examples include optimization of spacecraft controls [1,2], turbines [3], helicopter controls [4], ight trajectories [5], wings and airfoils [6, 7], missiles and rockets [8, 9], propellers [10] and inlets [11]. PSO methods have also been widely utiilized for various aerospace design e orts. Some examples include route planning [12] and propeller design [13] for UAVs, airfoil design [14], and aerodynamic shaping [15]. Other less well-known methods have also been used, along with various hybrids that attempt to combine strengths of di erent optimization schemes. However, aerospace design implementations of non-hybrid, ant colony methods have rarely been attempted. The ACO paradigm was chosen for the problems in this study because it was thought to be a good candidate for optimization of design problems involving multiple optima. It is important, when possible, to compare di erent optimization techniques in order to better understand their respective strengths and weaknesses. This encourages continuing improvement within the realm of numerical optimization, and is the primary goal of this work. 1 Chapter 2 Overview of Ant Colony Optimization 2.1 Natural Inspiration ACO algorithms are inspired by the foraging behaviors of some species of ants found in nature where it has been observed that a colony of ants is able to select paths of minimal length to sources of food [16, 17]. The mechanism by which this is accomplished is the creation of bio-chemical trails that serve as a method of communication between individual members of the colony. This chemical, which is detectable by other members of a colony is known as trail pheromone. Ants initially explore the area around their home nest in a random fashion. Upon encountering a food source, an ant will return to the nest, emitting a layer of pheromone to mark the path it has traveled. Other members of the colony are drawn toward this path as they probabilistically choose their foraging route based on the amount of pheromone present. These ants in turn emit their own pheromone, reinforcing good paths for others to follow. Eventually, the ants in the colony converge onto a single trail until the food source is exhausted, at which point the pheromone trail slowly evaporates. The evaporation e ect allows the ants to explore new regions until a new food source is discovered. This explains how ants are able to recruit other colony members to one particular path, but for a large colony multiple paths to the same food source are often discovered. How then do the ants determine the best path? As a simple illustration, consider Figure 2.1. If a number of ants begin a journey from a nest and come to the rst decision point, stochastically half of them will travel along the high path while half will choose the lower path. Assuming the ants are moving at the same rate of speed, those that choose the short path are the rst to reach the food source and begin their return journey, thereby establishing a pheromone link more 2 Figure 2.1: Double Bridge Experiment [18] rapidly than the ants that chose the longer route. In addition, pheromone that is added to the shorter path evaporates more slowly than that on the longer path. As ants continue to leave the nest they are increasingly drawn toward the shorter path. This selective bias continues to be reinforced as more ants complete their circuit until eventually almost all of the ants converge upon the optimal route 2.2 Arti cial Algorithm The natural ant model became the inspiration for the ACO algorithm, initially proposed by Marco Dorigo in 1992 where a population of \arti cial ants" can be used to iteratively create and improve solutions to a given optimization problem [19]. ACO adopts the foraging principles from real ant colony behavior while also implementing several improvements in- cluding a tunable pheromone evaporation rate and an augmented ability for ants to calculate the quality of a particular solution and distribute di ering levels of pheromone accordingly. After its introduction, many highly e ective variants of the ACO algorithm were developed and implemented to solve a wide range of di cult combinatorial optimization problems. As 3 the name suggests, combinatorial problems involve nding optimal or near optimal permuta- tions, links, and combinations of available components. Examples of such problems include the well known quadratic assignment [20] and traveling salesman problems [21, 22] where ACO has been proven to be very successful. In addition, ACO has been e ectively used to solve various routing, scheduling, and data mining optimization problems [23]. Despite its success in the combinatorial realm, the algorithm was di cult to apply to problems of a continuous nature, as the ant colony paradigm is not intuitively applicable to problems of this type. The components of continuous problems are not partitioned into nite sets, which the original ant system requires. Several early attempts were made, however to remedy this shortcoming [24, 25]. The algorithms developed from many of these attempts borrowed several features of the original ACO model, but they did not follow it closely. In order to address this issue, Socha and Dorigo developed an algorithm in 2005 they named ACO-R that more closely adopted the spirit of the original method and could operate in continuous space natively [26]. The fundamental concept of ACO-R is that the discrete, probability distributions used in ACO are replaced by probability density functions or PDFs (see Figure 2.2) in the solution construction phase, and the pheromone distribution is ac- complished by a large solution archive of weighted PDFs that combine to form a Gaussian kernel as shown in Figure 2.3. ACO-R Algorithm Methodology First, the solution archive is lled with randomly generated solutions. These solutions are then ranked and given weights based on their quality. wj = 1qkp2 exp (rank(j) 1) 2 k 1 (2.1) where j is a solutions index in the archive, k is the total number of solutions, and q is a parameter of the algorithm that determines how the weights are distributed. Lower values 4 SomeVariable Prob abilit y -4 -2 0 2 4 mu=0,sigma=0.1mu=2,sigma=0.5 mu=0,sigma=1.0mu=0,sigma=3.0 1 0 Figure 2.2: Probability Density Function Figure 2.3: Gaussian Kernel Construction 5 result in more elitist weight distributions, whereas higher values create more uniform distri- butions. These weight assignments are analogous to di ering pheromone amounts and bias the selection of higher quality solutions within the search space. Each time a new \ant" constructs a solution, a new PDF is selected for each dimension from among the solution archive with a probability proportional to its weight. In this way, all of the solutions are given a chance to contribute, producing a diverse and robust exploration strategy. After a speci c PDF has been chosen for each component, a new solution is taken from a normal distribution oriented around its center. The standard deviation of this distribution is calculated using Equation 2.2. ij = kX r=1 abs(sri sji) k 1 (2.2) This equation sets the standard deviation of each variable i as dependent on the average distance between the corresponding variable components of all the other k solutions in the archive. In this way, the characteristics of each Gaussian PDF selected by the ants are a ected by the positions of all the other ants in the archive. Pheromone evaporation rate is governed by the parameter where a smaller value encourages fast convergence and a larger value encourages a more thorough exploration of the search domain. Once m new solutions have been generated, they replace the m worst solutions in the current archive which is then resorted. This process functions in the same way as pheromone update by removing the impact of the worst solutions in the current pheromone model. It also ensures that new solutions will have at least some chance of being selected in the following iteration, regardless of their tness, thus encouraging new exploration. An optional nal step of the ACO-R algorithm is to correlate variables using an orthog- onal gram-schmidt process. For problems involving many variables, however, the computa- tional e ort required to implement this step has been found to be high, signi cantly reducing the algorithm?s e ciency. [27,28]. 6 SomeDesignVariable Fitnes sValu e 0 2 4 6 8 100 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 4 3 1 (a) Initial Solution Archive SomeDesignVariable0 2 4 6 8 100 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 4 3 1 (b) PDF Generation SomeDesignVariable0 2 4 6 8 100 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 4 3 1newsolution (c) New Solution Creation SomeDesignVariable Fitnes sValu e 0 2 4 6 8 100 0.5 1 1.5 2 231 X 4 (d) New Solution Archive Figure 2.4: Simple 1-D Illustration of Single Ant Cycle 7 The ordered methodology for the ACO-R algorithm is listed below and a ow chart is shown in Figure 2.5. 1) Generate an initial solution archive of feasible solutions randomly. 2) Evaluate the quality of each solution in the archive. 3) Rank solutions and create pheromone model by giving each solution a weight. 4) New ants are generated, choosing a solution with a probability proportional to its assigned weight. 5) Ants sample a PDF formed around each optimization variable of their chosen solution; combining sampled variables yields a new solution. 6) The solution archive is updated by replacing the m worst solutions in the archive with m new ant solutions. 7) Return to step 4 until stopping criteria are met. 2.3 Modi cations The basic ACO-R methodology was adopted (sans variable correlation) as the basis for the algorithm used for this research, while several modi cations were made in order to achieve higher performance: (A) Elitism The rst modi cation was that a higher emphasis was placed around searching the best-so-far solution in the archive in order to achieve quicker convergence. An extra tuning parameter qmod was created that controlled the probability that a newly generated \ant" sampled only the area around the best solution. A similar approach was taken by ref [28]. The reason for this modi cation was that after preliminary testing of the algorithm it was felt that the original q weighting parameter was not able to give the amount of control wanted over convergence behavior. When elitism was attempted by setting the weighting parameter 8 Start Input Initial Parameters Generate Initial Solution Archive Evaluate Solution Quality Rank Solutions and Cre- ate "Pheromone" Model Generate New "Ants" to Fol- low Pheromone Trails and Sample Promising Regions Update Solution Archive and Pheromone Model Stopping Criteria Met? o Output Solution no yes Figure 2.5: ACO-R Algorithm Flow 9 Figure 2.6: E ects of parameter \q" on PDF selection Figure 2.7: E ects of parameter \qmod" on PDF selection to a very high value, the algorithm tended to converge very quickly, but at the expense of greatly reduced exploration ability. When the weighting parameter was set low, the algorithm tended to become unguided and ine cient. By guaranteeing that ants searched a certain percent of the time around the current best solution, while at the same time allowing more of the solutions at the bottom end of the archive to contribute, both exploration and intensi cation were encouraged. Figures 2.6 and 2.7 illustrate how both the original q parameter and the added qmod parameter a ect the selection probability \P" of a set of ranked solutions in an archive. (B) Diversi cation A nal modi cation was the addition of a diversi cation mechanism which was added in order to combat any potential instances of premature convergence. This was needed to balance the intensi cation e ect on the algorithm caused by the local search integration. Each time the local search was called within the algorithm, a subroutine was enacted which 10 generated a temporary, independent ACO routine. An optional feature allowed the tempo- rary ant colony to avoid searching the area close to where the main colony was converging by disallowing new solutions containing speci ed previously used values . A local search was then performed on the best member found by the rogue colony, and the resulting solution was then compared to the current best solution for the main ACO program. If the newly generated solution was found to be better than the current best, it is replaced by the new solution. Regardless of which solution is chosen as winner, a new solution archive is gener- ated around the best solution according to a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 0.5, which was chosen so that the solution archive converges much more aggressively than the original, yet retains semi-global optimization ability. (C) Local Search The second modi cation was the addition of an integrated local search procedure. Two local search methods were tested: Hooke and Jeeves pattern search and the Nelder-Mead simplex method. As will be explained in chapter 3, both methods are derivative-free and are e cient tools for exploring a small, local region of a design space. The ordered methodology adopted for the nal modi ed algorithm is as follows: 1) Generate an initial solution archive of feasible solutions. 2) Run an elitist ACO-R cycle for a set number of iterations. 3) Perform local search around best member in the archive. 4) Generate an alternate solution and perform a local search on best member. 5) Compare solutions and re-initialize solution archive around winning member. 6) Repeat steps two through ve until stopping criteria are satis ed. 11 Chapter 3 Overview of Competing Algorithms and Complimentary Local Search Methods 3.1 Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Methodology A total of three di erent competing optimization methods are used at di erent points throughout this study to provide comparison and potential validation of the ACO algorithm. Two of these methods are fundamentally distinct genetic algorithm implementations. The rst is the binary-coded genetic algorithm IMPROVE (Implicit Multi-objective PaRameter Optimization Via Evolution) developed by Anderson [29]. This algorithm has been used multiple times in previous optimization studies and has been shown to be an e ective and robust tool for aerospace design optimization [30{32] and the second is a steady-state, real- coded GA. Binary GAs function by converting all of the design variables for a given problem into a single bit string. A \population" of members is then formed and the resulting bit strings undergo processes similar to DNA strands in evolutionary theory. Desriable traits are kept alive through population \breeding" where the strongest members survive, and negative traits are eventually replaced and eliminated from the gene pool. To maintain diversity and avoid stagnation, new genetic material is introduced through mutations which occur at a xed rate through the lifespan of the algorithm. Real-coded GAs, unlike binary GAs, are able to operate on a continuous design space directly and enjoy some advantages over the binary GA such as generally quicker convergence. Another advantage is that bit resolution is not an issue as is often encountered with binary methods and binary hamming cli s can be avoided. A disadvantage of the real-coded GA, however, is that it may converge too quickly and must rely on properly tuned mutation and crossover routines to perform e ectively. 12 The third optimization method also used for optimizer comparison is a modifed Repul- sive Particle Swarm Optimization (RPSO) method developed by Mishra [33]. PSO methods, rst introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart [34], mimic the social behavior of a \swarm" of individuals; each are assigned a position and velocity and they \ y" around the solution space, working together collectively in a quest to discover quality solutions. PSO methods are attractive as they are easily implemented and can be directly applied to continuous design problems. The repulsive variation used for comparison in this work, is designed to exploit multiple optima in the solution space more thoroughly through the addition of a trajectory-in uencing force which prevents individual swarm members from converging to the same location. 3.2 Direct Local Search Methods An often crucial piece of creating a high-performance algorithm, involves the integration of an e ective local search procedure. A class of methods known as direct search methods are a popular choice for use as a local search. Their attractiveness is based on the fact that they are often much more numerically e cient than global optimization heuristics in converging to a solution. Their drawback, however, is that they very easily can become trapped in local optima. If used as a global optimizer, this behavior is extremely detrimental, but when used as a local search within an already near-optimal region, rarely has a negative impact. Two local search methods were considered for integration with the ACO algorithm, the methodologies of which are explained in the following sections. 3.2.1 Pattern Search The Pattern Search method was originally developed by Hooke and Jeeves in 1960 [35,36] as a direct search procedure. The method operates by creating a system of 2N trial points for an N-dimensional problem by varying each parameter, one at a time, by a speci ed step size around the starting base-point. This step size is applied twice; once in a direction larger 13 and once in a direction smaller than value of the original parameter. Once the tness of each point is evaluated during this exploratory phase, the point which yields the best solution is chosen to be the new base point and the process is repeated. If the exploratory moves fail to yield a new best solution, the step size is reduced by half. Once the radius of the pattern search has become su ciently small, the program is terminated. Figure 3.1: Hooke and Jeeves Pattern Search [37] 3.2.2 Nelder-Mead Simplex First developed in 1965 [38], the Nelder-Mead Simplex Method is a well-known derivative- free, nonlinear optimization technique. The simplex algorithm operates by creating a system of N+1 vertices for an N-dimensional problem which then undergoes a series of re ections 14 and expansions in order to iteratively crawl its way towards a local optimal or near-optimal solution. For example, in two dimensions, the simplex takes the form of a triangle and in three dimensions, a tetrahedron. When consecutive iterations of simplex evolution are ani- mated, it appears as though the simplex structure morphs its way toward a solution, earning it the common alternative name of the \amoeba method". Figure 3.2 illustrates the various ways the simplex structure can evolve within two-dimensional space. Figure 3.2: 2-D Simplex Morphology The rules governing simplex behavior can be described as follows: 1) Construct an initial simplex structure around the base point xb. 2) The point with the worst initial tness xw is re ected through the centroid of the simplex. 3) If the re ected point xr is a new best solution, expand the simplex and re ect further xe. 4) If the new point is not a new best solution, but is still a good solution, start at the top and re ect again. 5) If the new point is a bad solution, contract the simplex xc and return to step two. 15 6) If successive contractions fail to nd an improvement, contract each point x0 within the simplex structure. The simplex method is much more aggressive than the pattern search procedure which allows it to converge much more quickly over a well-behaved solution space. The downside of this characteristic is that, at times, the simplex may be confused by discontinuous or high- dimensional problems. In order to combat this, a restart mechanism was encoded within the simplex subroutine which allowed the algorithm to reset mid-run if needed. 16 Chapter 4 Star-Grain Solid Rocket Motor Design Optimization 4.1 Solid Rocket Motor System Background A solid rocket motor is composed of a solid propellant, incased in a typically cylindrical casing. The internal burning surface, known as the grain, is processed into a single basic geometric form that determines a rockets performance characteristics over time. One of the more common and versatile grain patterns for tactical missiles is the star grain. This speci c design was chosen as the optimization case for the algorithm. The star grain geometry de nition approach used for this work was described by Barrere [39], and a review of the analysis method was provided by Hart eld [40]. Star grain patterns can be designed with as few as three star-points and as many as the upper teens, with an odd number of star points being more prevalent due to an inherently increased stability. This is because the star points within an even-numbered motor can sometimes interfere with one another due to their higher symmetry characteristics. The six design variables used to fully describe star grain, cross-sectional geometry are shown in Figure 4.1. 4.2 Optimization Procedure A FORTRAN code developed by Drs. Jenkins, Burkhalter, and Hart eld of the Auburn University Aerospace Department was available that was capable of determining SRM burn- back performance. To run the code, a set of design parameters, including the six cross- sectional parameters shown in Figure 4.1 and the additional three components, grain length, nozzle expansion ratio, and fuel type bring the total number of optimization variables to 17 Figure 4.1: Star Grain Cross Sectional Geometry [40] nine. These nine parameters, listed in Table 4.1, determine the performance of an individ- ual star grain rocket motor and were therefore chosen to be the input parameters for the optimizer. Seven of the design variables are inherently continuous, while the number of star points NSP and the fuel type can only exist as integer values. To avoid an extra complication due to mixed variable optimization, both the NSP variable and fuel type were encoded as continuous within the algorithm and then simply converted to the nearest integer value via truncation whenever the SRM subroutine was called to perform a calculation. This handling of the integer values creates some reason for concern as it has the potential to create discontinuities within the solution space. However, the cycling and diversi cation modi cations to the algorithm proved to be su cient to handle any such problems in preliminary test runs. It is often desirable to design a SRM to match a pre-speci ed ight characteristic as closely as possible. For this problem, the characteristics to be optimized are the amount 18 Table 4.1: SRM Optimization Design Parameters Design Variable Description Rpvar = (Rp + f)/Rbody Propellant outer radius ratio Rivar = Ri/Rp Propellant inner radius ratio Ro Outer grain radius eps Star width Nsp Number of star points kfuel Propellant fuel type gl Grain length fvar = f/Rp Fillet radius ratio Dstar Nozzle expansion ratio of thrust produced by the SRM and its internal chamber pressure. The success of the optimization is determined by how closely a SRM can be designed to match a speci ed chamber pressure or thrust trend with respect to time. The ability to match this curve will be calculated by taking the average root mean squared error or RMSE over the course of an alloted burn time, where RMSE is the sum of the variances between the desired curve and the curve generated by the best solution found by the optimizer. This was accomplished by breaking the SRM performance-time data into intervals of 0.01 seconds using simple linear interpolation between output data points generated by the code. In order to determine the best local search procedure to use with the ACO algorithm for the SRM burnback cases, it was allowed to run without the local search procedure twenty di erent times. The points generated by each run were then operated on by both the pattern search and simplex methods. Each local search procedure was allowed to run until either convergence, or after 500 function calls were completed { whichever came rst. The simplex method proved to be the better performer for this problem as can be seen by the results in Table 4.2, and was adopted as the local search procedure for the SRM curve-matching problems. 19 Table 4.2: Local Search Performance Comparison Method Average Solution Improvement (%) N.M. Simplex 72.8 Pattern Search 46.2 4.3 SRM Curve Matching Problems and Results Three cases were considered in order to test the algorithm: Random Burn Pro le This problem was chosen to be the rst attempted; it was the easiest challenge since a solution was guaranteed to exist within the solution space. For this reason, the problem could be used to determine initially if the optimizer was, in fact, working correctly. Also, it functioned as a baseline for parameter tuning purposes. To set up the objective function, each design variable was given a single randomly assigned value within its design range and this set of values was input into the SRM code. The program then output corresponding data about the thrust and chamber pressure over time which was then used as the objective function for the optimizer. The algorithm was able to achieve a very close match for the rst problem, obtaining a best solution of only 0.0077 percent RMSE and never returning a solution worse than 0.0724 percent RMSE, demonstrating a high degree of consistency. The best grain design found by the optimizer is shown in Figure 4.2 and the resulting burn pro le is shown in Figure 4.3. Neutral Burn Pro le For the second problem, a neutral burn match was attempted where the SRM optimizer was tasked with the job of maintaining a constant chamber pressure of 500 psia over a twenty-second burn duration. As illustrated in Figure 4.4, a close match of 0.109 percent RMSE was found for the problem. The optimized grain cross-section is shown in Figure 4.5. 20 Figure 4.2: Optimized SRM Grain Geometry - Random Burn Figure 4.3: Chamber Pressure vs Time Curve - Random Burn Pro le 21 Time(s) Cha mb erP res sur e(p sia) 0 5 10 15 20460 480 500 520 540 ObjectiveCurveOptimizedCurve 0.051%RMSE Figure 4.4: Chamber Pressure vs Time Match - Neutral Burn Pro le Figure 4.5: Optimized SRM Grain Geometry - Neutral Burn 22 Regressive-Progressive Burn Pro le A regressive-progressive motor burns in such a way that it produces a gradually dimin- ishing thrust up to a certain point along its burn duration, at which point thrust begins to increase until the motors tail-o point is reached. A problem of this type was created where thrust begain at 80000 psia, was reduced to 60000 psia at ten seconds, and then increased back to 80000 psia after twenty seconds. A thrust curve was used in place of a pressure curve for this optimization attempt. This does not a ect the problem signi cantly as changes in pressure were directly correlated to changes in thrust for the set of design variables used. This problem was expected to much more di cult to solve than the rst, as the sudden, linear turning point cannot be exactly produced due to the transient burn characteristics of an SRM. As expected, this curve pro le was very di cult to match, but the optimizer was able to achieve an RMSE of between 0.610 percent, shown in Figure 4.6, and 0.674 percent. The optimized grain cross-section is shown in Figure 4.7. Summary Overall, the results show that the algorithm is very e ective in solving the SRM opti- mization problems. However there was no way to directly compare the results to previous work done with other optimizers for this problem due to ambiguity within the published design variable limits. For this reason, fair validation of the ACO algorithm against other methods was unattainable and another design problem without this de ciency was sought. 23 Time(s) Thr ust (lb f) 0 5 10 15 2055000 60000 65000 70000 75000 80000 85000 ObjectiveCurveOptimizedCurve 0.610%RMSE Figure 4.6: Thrust vs Time Curve - Regressive-Progressive Burn Figure 4.7: Optimized SRM Grain Geometry - Regressive Progressive 24 Table 4.3: Summary of Results and Optimized SRM Geometries Design Parameter Random Burn Neutral Burn Regressive-Progressive Rpvar 0.583262 0.679595 0.450154 Rivar 0.190164 0.199874 0.143454 Nsp 7 5 5 fvar 0.063335 0.0799974 0.0200000 eps 0.811286 0.6952298 0.5463125 rbod 15.9544625 34.9967667 24.1715989 gl 9.9964089 3.2935126 6.0560694 diath 0.24703012 0.2195772 0.200886139 ftype 4 3 1 Best Solution (%RMSE) 0.0077 0.610 0.051 Worst Solution (%RMSE) 0.0724 0.674 0.169 Average Solution (%RMSE) 0.0265 0.629 0.109 25 Chapter 5 Solid Motor Sounding Rocket Optimization 5.1 Sounding Rocket System Description After the SRM curve matching problems, the next step in testing the algorithm was to attempt a sounding rocket design optimization. This problem presented an opportunity to try the ACO algorithm on a slightly more complicated problem as well as to attempt vali- dation of the ACO algorithm by comparing its performance with other known optimization methods. In a previous study conducted by Badyrka [49], three algorithms were tested on their ability to design a sounding rocket to meet a set of three speci c performance goals. These goals were speci ed for the sounding rocket to carry a payload of 70lb to a burnout altitude of 50,000ft and burnout velocity of 1,000ft/sec with an additional emphasis on min- imizing takeo weight. The \ tness" of each missile design found is calculated according to equation 5.1. Fitness = abs(AltitudeError) +abs(VelocityError) + Weight1000 (5.1) The code used for the optimizer study by ref [49] was availabe through the Auburn Uni- versity Dept. of Aerospace Engineering. It works by processing the input design parameters to determine geometry and burn characteristics for solid rocket motors using subroutines similar to those used in the curve-matching problem. In addition, the code calculates the total weight of the sounding rocket system, rst by determining the weight of the structures outside of the motor, including the case, joints, end cap and nozzle, and then adding them to the combined weight of the payload, propellant, and ignition system. A total of eleven design parameters, listed in Table 5.1 are required for a complete sounding rocket model. 26 Table 5.1: Sounding Rocket Design Parameters Design Variable Description Rpvar = (Rp + f)/Rbody Propellant outer radius ratio Rivar = Ri/Rp Propellant inner radius ratio Ro Outer grain radius eps Star width Nsp Number of star points ptang Star point angle kfuel Propellant fuel type gl Grain length fvar = f/Rp Fillet radius ratio Diath Nozzle throat diameter Ratio Nozzle expansion ratio The three optimization methods described previously were tested and the results were availabe from the work of ref [49]. Using identical design constraints and an equivalent number of 250,000 allowable function calls, the ACO algorithm was applied to the same problem. It should be noted that the local search option of the modi ed ACO algorithm was turned o for this and the remaining problems attempted in this study involving comparisons to other optimization schemes. This was done in order to avoid an unfair comparison, as the competing algorithms did not possess a local search ability. 5.2 Sounding Rocket Results As seen in Table 5.2 and Figure 5.1, the ACO algorithm was able to nd a signi cantly better solution than RPSO, and was also able to outperform both of the GAs. As seen in the solution convergence history (Figure 5.2), ACO was able to accomplish this using signi cantly fewer function calls than any of the competing methods. The algorithm was also able to avoid stagnation, and continued to nd improving solutions very deep into its run. 27 GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=2300.14 (a) RPSO Best GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=33.34 (b) Binary GA Best GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=42.14 (c) Real GA Best GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=18.59 (d) ACO Best Figure 5.1: Best Sounding Rocket Solutions Found by Optimizers 28 NumberofFunctionCalls So und ing Ro cke tFi tne ss 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000101 102 103 104 Mod-ACOBinaryGA RealGA ConvergenceHistory Figure 5.2: Optimizer Convergence History 29 Table 5.2: Sounding Rocket Optimization Results Design Parameter RPSO Binary GA Real GA ACO Propellant type 7 8 8 8 Rpvar 0.522325 0.535039 0.754812 0.513013 Rivar 0.010100 0.221373 0.010000 0.364549 Nsp 8 11 17 12 Fvar 0.063567 0.040045 0.014708 0.010000 epsilon 0.472595 0.686667 0.341543 0.839910 Star point angle 1.275354 5.677166 8.909556 7.241508 Grain length 239.7870 301.3699 241.5387 243.2500 Outer grain radius 23.76000 22.95238 19.06190 18.89172 Throat Diameter 19.80000 12.86399 19.49395 12.34742 Expansion Ratio 1.915620 3.842520 3.246192 6.000074 Altitude at BO 47760.86 50004.55 49999.98 49996.90 Velocity at BO 960.67 997.71 968.22 999.63 Initial weight 21672.41 26505.14 10339.07 15119.78 Total Fitness 2300.14 33.34 42.14 18.59 In addition, by the end of the alotted run time, nine distinct solutions excluding the best solution were found with a total tness of less than 30.0 which, remarkably, is better than any solution found by the GAs or RPSO. The degree of diversity found within the solutions is demonstrated by four example SRM grain designs in Figure 5.3. Table 5.3 further demonstrates solution diversity by showing that of the multiple SRM grain designs discovered by ACO, eight had a unique number of star points. Table 5.3: Sounding Rocket Multiple Solutions No. Star Points Best Solution Fitness No. Star Points Best Solution Fitness 6 29.86 12 18.59 8 23.16 13 28.27 9 24.86 14 28.43 11 29.20 15 22.88 30 GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=24.86 (a) Alternate Solution 1 GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=21.46 (b) Alternate Solution 2 GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=23.16 (c) Alternate Solution 3 GrainRadius(in)-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Fitness=29.86 (d) Alternate Solution 4 Figure 5.3: Example Alternate Sounding Rocket Solutions 31 Chapter 6 Description of 6DOF Missile System The primary tool used for this study was a missile design program developed by Burkhal- ter, Jenkins, Hart eld, Anderson, and Sanders, described in their paper \Missile Systems Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms" [47]. The missile design codes developed are capable of creating and ying preliminary level engineering models of missiles powered by a single-stage solid propellant motor. The codes have been validated as an e ective prelimi- nary design tool and have been proven to be a reliable tool for aerospace design applications, having been successfully utilized in many previous optimization studies [8,9,43]. Before a viable 6-DOF trajectory can be simulated by the missile program for a given design, several processes must rst occur. 1) The main program receives input from les which contain values for constants that are necessary for proper code operation. A break-down of these constants is shown in table 6.2. 2) The propulsion system is modeled using grain geometries speci ed by the input to develop the thrust pro le for the motor. 3) Mass properties are calculated and used to determine the center of gravity and moments of inertia for all components included in the system. 4) Aerodynamic properties for the missile are calculated using the non-linear, fast predictive code AERODSN [48]. 5) The resulting propulsion, mass, and aerodynamic characteristics are then integrated with the equations of motion to determine the complete 6DOF ight pro le for the missile. 32 Begin program Input initial constants Input optimizer settings Create initial population Run optimizer (ACO or GA) Determine ight characteristicso Mass Aerodynamics Propulsion Simulate 6-DOF missile trajectory Stopping Criteria Met? o Terminate program no yes Figure 6.1: Single Stage Solid Missile System More complicated than the SRM curve matching and sounding rocket systems, the 6DOF missile system presents opportunities for more di cult optimization problems that are important in testing the abilities of the ACO algorithm. The complete set of design parameters that can be varied by an optimizer is shown in Figure 6.1. The entire set creates opportunities for 35-variable optimization problems. Three such problems, each of increasing di culty, were attempted and are described in the following sections. 33 Table 6.1: List of Single Stage Solid Missile Design Variables Missile Geometry Propellant Properties Autopilot Controls Nose radius ratio = rnose/rbody Fuel type Autopilot On Delay Time Nose length ratio = lnose/dbody Propellant outer radius ratio Initial launch angle (deg) Fractional nozzle length ratio = f/ro Propellant inner radius ratio Pitch multiplier gain Nozzle throat diameter/dbody Number of star points Yaw Multiplier gain Total length of stage1/dbody Fillet radius ratio - f/rp Initial elevator angle (deg) Diameter of stage 1 (dbody) Epsilon - star width Gainp2 - gain in pitch angle def Wing exposed semi-span = b2w/dbody Star point angle B2var = b2vane/rexit Wing root chord crw/dbody Time step to actuate controls Wing taper ratio = ctw/crw Gainy2 - gain in yaw angle dif Leading edge sweep angle wing (deg) Deltx for Z corrections xLEw/lbody Deltx for Y corrections Tail exposed semi-span = b2t/dbody Tail root chorse = Crt/dbody Tail taper ratio = ctt/crw Leading edge sweep angle tail ( deg) xTEt/Lbody Nozzle Exit Dia/dbody 34 Table 6.2: Classi cation of Initial Missile Design Code Constants Component Section No. of Design Variables Constants 22 Material Densities 6 Program Lengths, Limits, and Constants 31 Constants and Set Numbers 25 Launch Data Initiation 16 Target Data 6 Optimizer Goals (outdata variables) 20 Auxiliary Variables 21 List of Optimizer Variables Passed to Objective Function 35 Total Set of Missile Variables 40 Guidance and Plotting Variables 29 Component Densities 30 Masses 30 Center of Gravity 30 Moments of Inertia 60 Component Lengths 30 Components? Axial Starting Point 30 Required and computed data for Aero 30 Other Dimensions 16 Internal Solid Rocket Grain Variables 14 Nozzle and Throat Variables 23 Additional Computed Stage Variables 8 35 Chapter 7 Single Stage Solid Missile System Optimizer Comparisons In addition to the sounding rocket problem, the study by Badyrka also compared the same three algorithms in their ability to design a single-stage solid rocket system to hit a target located at a speci ed range. The tness for each design was de ned according to equation 7.1. Fitness = abs(Range DesiredRange)10 (7.1) As these tests have only a simple singular objective, it should be expected that the design solution space contains an extremely wide variety of missile designs capable of meeting this objective. Although simple, this set of testing was an important stepping stone for more complicated probems involving the 35-variable, single stage solid missile system. 7.1 Match Range - 250,000 ft The goal of the rst test was to design a missile capable of hitting a position located a distance of 250,000 ft from the launch point. It should be noted that a miss distance of roughly one foot is practically considered a hit; therefore the signi cantly greater precision is for academic purposes only. For this problem, each optimizer was allowed 100,000 calls to the objective function. Again, ACO was able to outperform both RPSO and the GAs, achieving a tness of at least 2.21E-12 before being rounded to zero due to the precision tolerance of the FORTRAN program. The best results obtained by each algorithm are listed in Table 7.1. 36 NumberofFunctionCalls Mis sile Fitn ess 101 102 103 104 10510-12 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 100 102 104 BinaryGARealGA ACO-Mod Figure 7.1: Convergence History - Match 250,000 ft Table 7.1: Results for Range Matching Problem - 250,000 ft Optimizer Best Missile Fitness RPSO 0.142455 Binary GA 7.41949E-05 Real GA 2.24332E-08 ACO 2.21E-12 37 As with the sounding rocket problem, the algorithm was also able to nd multiple near- optimal solutions. Three of these solutions are shown in Figure 7.2. Each missile design shown has a tness of less than 2.21E-12 and was obtained during the course of the main run. 7.2 Match Range - 750,000 ft The second optimization design test was identical to the rst, only this time the target range was set as 750,000 ft from the launch point. This test was important as matching this extended range involves searching a di erent region of the solution space and served to add validation to the results obtained from the shorter-ranged test. Similar results were found for the best 750,000 ft missile solution as recorded in Table 7.2. Solution diversity is again illustrated with depictions of three unique missile designs in Figure 7.4. 38 (a) Missile Design 1 (b) Missile Design 2 (c) Missile Design 3 Figure 7.2: Example Alternate Sounding Rocket Solutions - 250,000 ft 39 NumberofFunctionCalls Mis sile Fitn ess 102 103 104 10510-12 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-2 100 102 104 BinaryGARealGA ACO-Mod Figure 7.3: Convergence History - Match 750,000 ft Table 7.2: Results for Range Matching Problem - 750,000 ft Optimizer Best Missile Fitness RPSO 0.43482 Binary GA 5.76720E-05 Real GA 2.48252E-06 ACO 2.21E-12 40 (a) Missile Design 1 (b) Missile Design 2 (c) Missile Design 3 Figure 7.4: Example Alternate Sounding Rocket Solutions - 750,000 ft 41 7.3 Match a Single Trajectory The second part of the single-stage testing signi cantly increases the di culty of the optimization by increasing the number of performance objectives from one to four. The rst problem attempted was to design a missile to match a single trajectory. The tness of a given missile design is calculated based on how well it matches four di erent ight objectives: (1) Time of ight (2) Time until burnout (3) Apogee match and (4) Range of ight. Each objective is weighted and the nal tness is given by equation 7.2. Fitness = RangeError10 + ApogeeError10 + TOFError1 + TBOError1 (7.2) With the exception of some tampering with the population size and restart cycles, the tuning parameters for the GA were not varied for the trajectory matching problems, as the default settings have been shown to be successful with approximately identical settings in the past for similar problems. It should be noted, that since the modi ed ACO algorithm was designed to work in rapid, fast-converging cycles, an extra e ort was made in an attempt to avoid an unfair comparison with the binary GA. In addition to the default setting of 200 population members, an extra GA program was coded whereby the population size was reduced so that the GA also worked in a series of fast converging cycles. Both methods were run for each trajectory case, and the results from the best of the two methods were then chosen to be used for all trajectory- matching comparisons with ACO in this study. Again, the modi ed ACO algorithm was able to nd a better solution than the binary GA, reaching a better solution than was found for the entire GA run within 4,000 function calls as can be seen in Figure 7.5. The di erence in the nal tness values, however, was not as large as was found in the previous problems. It is di cult to tell whether this could be because the missile tness has neared a lower limit or because the advantage of ACO over the GA is not as signi cant for this problem. 42 NumberofFunctionCalls Mis sile Fitn ess 0 10000 20000 30000 40000100 101 102 103 104 BinaryGAACO Figure 7.5: Single Trajectory Convergence History The trend for ACO to nd multiple, high-quality solutions for a problem continued as a total of nine di erent solutions were found with tness values below 10.00 during a single run of the ACO algorithm as shown in Table 7.4. 7.4 Match Three Trajectories The most di cult optimization problem attempted involved designing a single missile to match three separate trajectories. This creates a much more complex solution space with an increased ability to confuse an optimizer. The trajectories used had di ering ight ranges 43 Table 7.3: Single Trajectory Results Design Parameter Best Solution - Binary GA Best Solution - ACO rnose/rbody 0.380379974842E+00 0.398375660181E+00 lnose/dbody 0.158920001984E+01 0.170792245865E+01 fuel type 0.433333349228E+01 0.452283191681E+01 rpvar 0.564000010490E+00 0.536266922951E+00 rivar 0.838933363557E-01 0.889812931418E-01 number of star points 0.733333349228E+01 0.732177782059E+01 fvar 0.626666620374E-01 0.684898123145E-01 epsilon 0.899996697903E+00 0.904991567135E+00 star point angle 0.100000000000E+02 0.100751829147E+02 fractional nozzle length 0.620000004768E+00 0.722629070282E+00 dia throat/ dia body 0.292666673660E+00 0.272233247757E+00 neness ratio 0.565681743622E+01 0.584986734390E+01 diameter of stage 1 0.114043736458E+01 0.105696105957E+01 wing semispan/dbody 0.500000023749E-03 0.550335331354E-03 wing root chord/dbody 0.600000028498E-03 0.560724933166E-03 taper ratio 0.850000023842E+00 0.868137657642E+00 wing LE sweep angle 0.400999984741E+02 0.400922050476E+02 xLEw/lbody 0.500000000000E+00 0.443633228540E+00 tail semispan/dbody 0.117277395725E+01 0.109947204590E+01 tail root chord/dbody 0.112769865990E+01 0.113723444939E+01 tail taper ratio 0.634329974651E+00 0.556621313095E+00 LE sweep angle 0.185806465149E+02 0.110512800217E+02 xTEt/lbody 0.990000009537E+00 0.990520238876E+00 auto pilot delay time 0.139583384991E+01 0.131948125362E+01 initial launch angle 0.100000001490E+00 0.744342575073E+02 pitch multiplier gain 0.600000000000E+01 0.459953069687E+01 yaw multiplier gain 0.440000009537E+01 0.394029784203E+01 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.734000027180E+00 0.721238851547E+00 initial pitch cmd angle -0.800000011921E+00 -0.118590712547E+01 angle dif gain in pitch 0.466666650772E+01 0.467941570282E+01 warhead mass 0.228666674805E+04 0.229966894531E+04 time step to actuate nozzle 0.100000000000E+01 0.971418082714E+00 angle dif gain in yaw 0.442857116461E+00 0.488472193480E+00 initial launch direction -0.100000001490E+00 0.895773162842E+02 initial pitch cmd angle 0.100000004750E-02 0.129012929392E-03 missile tness 10.74 8.20 44 X Y Z FinalFitness=8.20 Figure 7.6: 3-D Optimized Missile Design - 164 km trajectory 45 (a) GA Best Solution (b) ACO Best Solution Figure 7.7: Optimized Missiles - 164km Trajectory 46 MissileRange(km) Mis sile Alt itud e(k m) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1800 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 TargetTrajectoryOptimizedTrajectory Figure 7.8: Optimized Trajectory Match - 164 km 47 Table 7.4: Multiple Alternate Solutions - 164 km Trajectory Solution No. Missile Fitness Solution No. Missile Fitness 1 9.32 6 8.55 2 9.49 7 9.45 3 9.73 8 8.95 4 9.83 9 9.91 5 9.95 10 9.27 of 117 km, 164 km, and 221 km, respectively. Final missile tness is calculated by simply calculating the tness with respect to each trajectory using equation 7.2 as for the single trajectory problem and then adding them together. TotalFitness = fitness117 +fitness164 +fitness221 (7.3) The ACO algorithm performed extremely well compared to the Binary GA for the three- trajectory problem. Not only was the best ACO solution signi cantly better than the best GA solution, but ve di erent solutions were found with a tness of less than 100.00, less than half of what the binary GA was able to achieve using the same number of function calls. 48 Table 7.5: Three Trajectory Results Design Parameter Best Solution - Binary GA Best Solution - ACO rnose/rbody 0.400400012732E+00 0.404787927866E+00 lnose/dbody 0.182120001316E+01 0.187957513332E+01 fuel type 0.433333349228E+01 0.427150249481E+01 rpvar 0.527333319187E+00 0.552933871746E+00 rivar 0.862400010228E-01 0.842992588878E-01 number of star points 0.600000000000E+01 0.729311084747E+01 fvar 0.706666633487E-01 0.634117126465E-01 epsilon 0.879998028278E+00 0.967089176178E+00 star point angle 0.101000003815E+02 0.100787239075E+02 fractional nozzle length 0.759999990463E+00 0.753344714642E+00 dia throat/ dia body 0.285333335400E+00 0.280373215675E+00 neness ratio 0.603144073486E+01 0.596240997314E+01 diameter of stage 1 0.112533271313E+01 0.120006358624E+01 wing semispan/dbody 0.600000028498E-03 0.508977915160E-03 wing root chord/dbody 0.600000028498E-03 0.551881676074E-03 taper ratio 0.949999988079E+00 0.912369012833E+00 wing LE sweep angle 0.400000000000E+02 0.400045547485E+02 xLEw/lbody 0.400000005960E+00 0.463914483786E+00 tail semispan/dbody 0.112554800510E+01 0.111973583698E+01 tail root chord/dbody 0.111333334446E+01 0.114281380177E+01 tail taper ratio 0.603575289249E+00 0.529041469097E+00 LE sweep angle 0.139354839325E+02 0.345442543030E+02 xTEt/lbody 0.990999996662E+00 0.990521907806E+00 auto pilot delay time 0.139583384991E+01 0.140671408176E+01 initial launch angle 0.333333313465E-01 0.751682662964E+02 pitch multiplier gain 0.493333339691E+01 0.514768838882E+01 yaw multiplier gain 0.253333330154E+01 0.324552249908E+01 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.840666711330E+00 0.973625361919E+00 initial pitch cmd angle -0.173333334923E+01 -0.768583893776E+00 angle dif gain in pitch 0.359999990463E+01 0.349795055389E+01 warhead mass 0.214000000000E+00 0.212670410156E+04 time step to actuate nozzle 0.100000000000E+01 0.953021109104E+00 angle dif gain in yaw 0.442857116461E+00 0.706241011620E+00 initial launch direction 0.100000001490E+00 0.897416076660E+02 initial pitch cmd angle 0.000000000000E+00 0.492134888191E-03 missile tness 229.84 46.31 49 Table 7.6: Multiple Alternate Solutions - Three Trajectory Problem Solution No. Missile Fitness Solution No. Missile Fitness 1 61.35 3 83.04 2 65.37 4 93.22 NumberofFunctionCalls Mis sile Fitn ess 10000 20000 30000 40000101 102 103 104 BinaryGAACO Figure 7.9: Three-Trajectory Convergence History 50 (a) GA Best Solution (b) ACO Best Solution Figure 7.10: Optimized Missiles - Three Trajectories 51 X Y Z FinalFitness=46.31 Figure 7.11: 3-D Optimized Missile Design - Three Trajectories 52 MissileRange(km) Mis sile Alt itud e(k m) 0 50 100 150 200 2500 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 TargetTrajectory- 117km OptimizedTrajectory- 117kmTargetTrajectory- 164km OptimizedTrajectory- 164kmTargetTrajectory- 221km OptimizedTrajectory- 221km Figure 7.12: Optimized Three-Trajectory Matches 53 Chapter 8 Local Search Testing The trajectory matching optimization routine was run once again, but this time the local search capability was activated for the ACO algorithm. In addition to the 164 km trajectory, matching of the individual 117km and 221km trajectories was also attempted. Each time the algorithm would reach a local convergence point before re-cycling, both the pattern search method and the simplex method were called to search around the best solution found in the area of convergence. Each local search procedure was allowed 310 function calls, chosen to be approximately one-third of the average number of calls needed by each ACO mini-cycle to reach near-convergence. To more thoroughly test each method, three di erent initial step sizes were used, corresponding to 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 percent of the range of each design variable. A total of 32 separate local search runs were performed around a variety of solutions, the results of which are shown in Table 8.1. Both local search methods were nearly always able to improve on a given solution. For the individual trajectories, the Simplex Method was consistently able to obtain slightly better solutions than the pattern search. For the three-trajectory case, however, the pattern Table 8.1: Local Search Improvements - 164km Trajectory Local Search Method Initial Step Size (% range) Average Improvement (%) Pattern Search 0.5 8.4541 1.0 7.1093 2.0 9.7011 Simplex Method 0.5 12.3316 1.0 11.1657 2.0 11.5382 54 Table 8.2: Local Search Improvements - 117km Trajectory Local Search Method Initial Step Size (% range) Average Improvement (%) Pattern Search 0.5 9.7267 1.0 6.4317 2.0 7.3947 Simplex Method 0.5 12.1168 1.0 13.0320 2.0 11.0361 Table 8.3: Local Search Improvements - 221km Trajectory Local Search Method Initial Step Size (% range) Average Improvement (%) Pattern Search 0.5 17.6123 1.0 16.5521 2.0 15.3737 Simplex Method 0.5 19.4925 1.0 19.9186 2.0 20.8828 Table 8.4: Local Search Improvements - Three Trajectories Local Search Method Initial Step Size (% range) Average Improvement (%) Pattern Search 0.5 4.2824 1.0 5.5168 2.0 6.9079 Simplex Method 0.5 4.6837 1.0 4.8881 2.0 4.6092 55 search seemed to work more e ectively. This might be because the three-trajectory problem is more complex and was able to confuse the simplex. The single trajectory results were very interesting as a previous study had concluded that the pattern search was the signi cantly better optimization method when integrated within a hybrid, GA/PSO optimizer. The local search application in the two instances was very di erent, however, as it was used as the main driver of the optimization within the hybrid scheme whereas in this study, its application was strictly focused on a small region of space to improve upon already near-optimal solutions. For this particular trajectory match, the Simplex Method was able to obtain slightly better solutions than the pattern search for every step size used. This result was very inter- esting as a previous study had concluded that the pattern search was the better optimization method when integrated within a hybrid, GA/PSO optimizer. The local search application in the two instances was very di erent, however, as it was used as the main driver of the optimization within the hybrid scheme whereas in this study, its application was strictly focused on a small region of space to improve upon already near-optimal solutions. 56 Chapter 9 Summary and Recommendations The design optimization results generated by the modifed ACO algorithm demonstrate its ability to be competitive, if not more e ective, than many established methods. For each problem where a comparison was attempted, the ACO algorithm converged more quickly and found a better solution than competing optimization algorithms. Additionally, it was found to be capable of locating muliple optimal solutions within the design space for the sounding rocket and missile trajectory problems. However, more extensive testing of the algorithm needs to be performed and the results compared to those obtained from a more complete set of modern, high-performance optimization schemes. There could be many reasons as to why the ACO algorithm performed better than RPSO and the GAs for this particular set of problems. First, the algorithm was developed and tuned in order to achieve high performance on the SRM curve-matching problems, and although problems attempted later (e.g. 6DOF trajectory) were vastly more complex than the original problem, there may have been some advantages gained by designing the algorithm to perform well on problems involving the SRM code. Additionally, it is the author?s opinion that GAs (in particular binary coded GAs) do not compare well with more modern optimization methods when used as the sole optimizer for a problem. They seem to be very good at avoiding stagnation, but are simply not aggressive enough to locate quality optima in a reasonable number of function calls. However, they do seem to work well as a component of hybrid optimization algorithms that integrate the stability of GAs with the increased aggressiveness of other optimization routines. Preliminary results involving local search integration within the ACO algorithm show a strong indication that they are e ective in improving solutions found by the main ACO 57 driver. Results indicate that the Nelder-Mead Simplex Method and the Pattern Search pro- cedure each have advantages over the other depending on how they are used and on what type of problem is being attempted. For the majority of problems attempted in this study it seems that the simplex method is more e cient when used as a purely local procedure. Additional future work that could be performed includes : A) Fine-tuning of the ACO algorithm parameters for each of the problems attempted in this study to determine how solutions could be improved. B) Application of the algorithm to even more complex design problems such as liquid pro- pellant and multiple stage missile system optimization. C) Expansion of the missile design limits for the trajectory matching problems as the limits used for this study are quite narrow. This would further increase the optimization di culty while allowing a greater variety of missile designs to be found to match a particular trajec- tory. D) Further testing of the local search methods. Additional work on improving the local ser- ach performance remains to be attempted. It would be interesting to perform more extensive testing of Simplex, Pattern Search, and other methods in order to have a better idea of their comparative capabilities. 58 Bibliography [1] Karr, C.L., Freeman, L.M., and Merideth, D.L. 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, best ) fprintf ( ?nnThe Corresponding X Coordinate I s : nn%4.10 fnn ? , bestx ) fprintf ( ?nnThe Corresponding Y Coordinate I s : nn%4.10 fnn ? , besty ) fprintf ( ?nnThe Error I s : nn%4.10 enn ? ,abs( best true ) ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function [ Archive , Coords ] = AntCycleMod ( IArchive , ICoords , IProbs , Params , Lims ) P = IProbs ; % Calculate Probabilities k = Params ( 1 ) ; nv = Params ( 2 ) ; m = Params ( 3 ) ; q = Params ( 4 ) ; eta = Params ( 5 ) ; Coords = ICoords ; Archive = IArchive ; 76 for i = 1 : nv L( i ) = Lims ( i , 1 ) ; U( i ) = Lims ( i , 2 ) ; end %Set Up Roulette Wheel Roul = zeros ( [ 1 k ] ) ; Roul (1) = P( 1 ) ; for i = 2 : k Roul ( i ) = Roul ( i 1) + P( i ) ; end for n = 1 :m for j = 1 : nv %///Select Gaussian/// r o l l = rand ( 1 ) ; i = 1 ; choice = 0 ; while ( choice == 0) i f ( r o l l < Roul ( i ) ) choice = i ; end i = i + 1 ; 77 end %///Sample Gaussian/// % Calculate Sigma for mm = 1 : k s i g v e c (mm) = abs( Coords ( choice , j ) Coords (mm, j ) ) ; end sigma = eta ((sum( s i g v e c ) ) / ( k 1)); % Take Sample Xsam( j , n) = normrnd ( Coords ( choice , j ) , sigma ) ; % Enforce Limits i f (Xsam( j , n)U( j ) ) Xsam( j , n) = U( j ) ; end end % Construct New Solutions 78 Tsam(n) = camelback (Xsam(1 , n ) ,Xsam(2 , n ) ) ; end % Replace worst solutions for i = 1 :m Archive ( k+1 i )=Tsam( i ) ; for j = 1 : nv Coords ( k+1 i , j ) = Xsam( j , i ) ; end end [ Archive , TI ] = sort ( Archive ) ; for i = 1 : k for j = 1 : nv Xsort ( i , j ) = Coords ( TI ( i ) , j ) ; end end Coords = Xsort ; end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 79 function [ Values , Coords ] = Generate ( Bounds , Number , Dimensions ) L = Bounds ( : , 1 ) ; U = Bounds ( : , 2 ) ; % Generate Initial Solutions Randomly Coords = zeros ( [ Number Dimensions ] ) ; for i = 1 : Number for j = 1 : Dimensions Coords ( i , j ) = L( j )+(U( j ) L( j )) rand ( 1 ) ; end end % Evaluate Initial Solutions Values = zeros ( [ 1 Number ] ) ; for i = 1 : Number Values ( i ) = camelback ( Coords ( i , 1 ) , Coords ( i , 2 ) ) ; end 80